Category: Motion DesignPage 1 of 3

Together Ottawa Ensemble

Just exactly how do you rally people after a long, stressful pandemic? Compassionate Ottawa had an answer: to inspire communities, groups and individuals to hold city-wide events in…

Mosaic Forest Management


In Frames: Interviews + Images

Project: Recording audio interviews in conversation with interesting artists & and other people while photographing them. The Result: A video created from the still images & the interview…


Trade Show – style video loop created to profile the Gastops product MetalSCAN and updated video branding

Promotional Video Bumper (Musician CC Trubiak)

Scrivens 90th Anniversary


Hydro Ottawa

Glitchy, funky & flashy fun. ! Animation: blacmao Storyboard & Design: Cinnamon Toast

Satellite Canada

“Rural Broadband: Canada’s Connected Future” video series for Satellite Canada. Logo reveal, audiomark

TRUE – A6.0 SBP Hockey Stick

Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative